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The Proverbs 31 Homemaker by Jami Balmet (Book Review)

"Does the Proverbs 31 woman inspire you and motivate you to work hard within your home? Or more likely, does reading her story overwhelm you and make you want to crawl into a hole out of feelings of failure and overwhelm? No matter your current relationship with her, there are six important characteristics you can learn from reading Proverbs final chapter." --  The Proverbs 31 Homemaker book description

I've been a fan of Jami Balmet's blog, Young Wife's Guide and her podcast, Homemaking Foundations for several months so I was really excited when she started talking about writing this book. 

I'll be completely honest and say that the Proverbs 31 woman has always been  intimidating to me.  She's alway held up as this ideal Christian woman whom we're all supposed to be working to be like and the way she's described makes it seem impossible to fit that standard. 

After reading Jami's book though, I realized that the description in the Bible of the Proverbs 31 woman is a description of her entire life's accomplishments, not a list of things that she accomplishes every day. This understanding alone makes here much less intimidating because I can then look at my whole life as the time I have to do all of the things that God has called me to do. There are seasons of life where we may feel like we're not accomplishing much of anything and that's ok. We all have seasons of great accomplishments and seasons of rest. 

Another thing that Jami talks about that really helped me was that we're not all called to do all of the things the Proverbs 31 woman did in her life. Each one of us has specific callings given to us by God that He wants us to be working on but we're not called to do everything. 

In The Proverbs 31 Homemaker, Jami discusses the six characteristics of a wise woman: her character as a wife, her devotion as a homemaker, her generosity as a neighbor, her influence as a teacher, her effectiveness as a mother, and her excellence as a woman. Each of these is discussed in the book and they can all apply to each of us. 

I really enjoyed reading this book. Though it was a quick read, it truly helped me understand the Proverbs 31 woman better and taught me new ways to apply it to my own life. I would highly recommend it to every Christian woman and at the price of just $4.99, it's so affordable there's almost no reason not to read it. 


  1. You are so awesome!!! Thanks for the great review :)

    1. Thank you! I truly enjoyed reading this amazing book!


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