Matt, Davis, Tyrion and I all love to spend time outdoors so we typically spend a lot of time in the warmer months exploring local walking trails. The problem is we tend to stick to the same familiar spaces and while it's still enjoyable, it's not nearly as exciting as exploring someplace new. So our goal for this year is to explore more of the nearby trails. This goal was inspired by a book Matt was given by a co-worker which has information on a variety of trails in Haverhill. We plan to work our way through the book this year. Kenoza Lake Trail Map Last weekend we started this exploration process by trying out a new trail around our favorite lake. We've spent a lot of time on the trail around the Basin and on parts of the Castle Trail but it wasn't until we looked at the trail map in the book we received that we realized how many different trails there are around Kenoza Lake (and how long some are). We decided to start off on the other side of the l...