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New Beginnings!

Welcome to my newest blogging project!

I have started and worked on several blogs and gone back and forth between different platforms in an attempt to find what suits me best and I have decided that for now, using blogger for free makes the most sense for me.

At this point, if you haven't read my previous blogs you're probably wondering who I am so let me introduce myself and my family.

I'm Elizabeth and I have been married to Matt for 4 1/2 years (will be 5 in August). Together we are raising two boys, Davis who is 9 and Tyrion who is 2. (And yes, we did get his name from Game of Thrones)  We all love to read, spend time outdoors, play board games and watch movies together.

I am a work from home mom who loves Jesus, coffee, books, crafts and the outdoors. Growing up I never really imagined myself being a mom at all let alone a boy mom, but now I couldn't imagine my life any other way.

Writing is my passion so I am actively pursuing opportunities to write as much as possible in a variety of places. I enjoy creating new things to add to our home decor, trying out new recipes and reading.

Matt is a dedicated and loving husband and father who works as a disability support staff member for a couple of local non-profits. He also runs the monthly meal for the community at our church.  I think it's safe to say, one of his many passions is helping people and he is amazing at what he does.

A long-time science fiction and fantasy fan, Matt obviously loves Star Wars, Game of Thrones and many more series than I could list here. He enjoys soccer, being outdoors and playing with our boys.

Davis will be 9 in April and he is definitely growing up really quick.  This is his 3rd year in Cub Scouts and he absolutely loves it. He's a huge reader which is awesome but challenging, it's hard to keep up with the need for new books when he goes through a 500 page book in 3 to 4 days, thankfully we have some great public libraries very close by.

Currently, Davis plans to be a teacher when he grows up, preferably of either history or science.  He is forever trying to figure out how things work and asking some pretty deep questions. He's analytical and can sometimes struggle with too many quick changes in plans. He's strong willed and very smart so we have confidence that he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to.

Tyrion turned 2 in February and he wants to do everything Davis does.  He loves to dance and is very active, he climbs everything.  Where Davis is a bit shy, Tyrion is super outgoing.  He loves books and will have us read the same one 6 times in a row, correcting us if we forget to point out something the 6th time that we pointed out the first time.

Tyrion thrives on interacting with people so we try to go to a couple different library story times every week.  He loves going to see his friends in the nursery at church every Sunday and during my Bible study class one day each week.

The main topics that I currently plan to write about on this blog are our family, parenting and marriage; kid-friendly activities including outdoor activities; our faith (both adults and kids); issues that we support or struggle with; book reviews and some product reviews if they fit into one of the other categories.


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